Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thing #17--Podcasts: no iPods needed!

Finding the podcasts on Google Reader was frustrating at first. The keywords that I was typing in was linking to EVERYTHING on the web. I typed in "cooking podcast" and was really excited when I saw that a professional TV chef was going to start a podcast. The problem with this was that the feed was from 2006 so it never showed up on my reader. Stinks, but eventually I found a podcast.

The podcast I found was from Free Culinary The podcast entitled FCS Episode 1| Basic Knife Skills described how to use a knife and do basic cuts. On their website, they also included photos on how to hold your knife and how to use your guide hand. This is something that the students could really use!

The uses I have seen for podcasting are students doing speeches through the podcast instead of them standing up in front of a class. This works really well for a shy student. Also we had students last year who created podcasts telling about the art they created. I could also see potential for students doing a presentation via podcast and other students evaluating their work.

Podcasting to me previously was nearly impossible. I did not have a microphone and did not feel the investment was worth the trouble, as well I didn't think my students or school would see the worth in the investment. (Now we have microphones on the computers...go figure?) But I went to a conference and found out there are podcasts that can be entered online via phone and everybody has access to a phone.

1 comment:

  1. Podcasting is a great way to get information to people who have varying schedules, and for students it gives them the ability to play the lecture over and over.
