Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Thing #1--7-1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners

The habits which I find the most challenging are beginning with the end in mind and viewing problems as challenges. I have always struggled with this. I'm great at coming up with these brilliant and extravagant ideas, but I struggle with putting the goal into words and developing the detailed plan to fulfill that goal. Then when a problem arises, I get overwhelmed with the details and reality and I quit.

The habit I will find the most easy to teach/mentor others. I love helping other people discover what's available to them.

The habits that I find most challenging are the ones I will need to work through the most. I need to learn how to put my goals in words and create a detailed step-by-step plan to reach those goals. I need to figure out a way to break down the problems in a way that I can complete them while not getting overwhelmed with the task at hand.

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